The Josep Carreras Institute welcomes Chilean haematologists to a meeting on Acute Leukaemia and Multiple Myeloma
On 2 and 3 May, a dozen Chilean haematologists attended the second edition of the Preceptorship Chile meeting, organised by Dr. Josep-Maria Ribera, Group Leader of the Josep Carreras Institute.
Dr. Josep-Maria Ribera, head of the Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia group at the Josep Carreras Institute, regularly organises Preceptorship meetings, in which he brings together a small group of haematologists to discuss advances, experiences, clinical cases and questions about haematology. On 2 and 3 of May it was the turn of the Chilean haematologists, who met for the second year in a row with researchers from the Josep Carreras Institute to discuss and share knowledge on the study and treatment of acute leukaemia (lymphoid and myeloid) and multiple myelomas.
The programme combined lectures by haematologists from ICO and the Josep Carreras Institute, such as Dr. Ribera, Dr. Zamora and Dr. Oriol, with discussions between the attendees and presentations of clinical cases. The meeting was divided into three main blocks: acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, acute myeloblastic leukaemia and multiple myelomas.
Eleven Chilean clinical haematologists attended the meeting, most of them from Santiago de Chile and Valdivia. Dr. Ribera is happy about the outcomes of the meeting and appreciates the relations with haematologists from the South American country: "The Chilean Society of Haematology keeps close relations with the Spanish Society of Haematology and Haemotherapy. Indeed, many Chilean resident doctors are trained in Spanish centres, as it was the case for some of the Preceptorship attendees. In addition, many Chilean doctors use national protocols, such as PETHEMA, for the treatment of acute leukaemia and myeloma". Dr. Ribera also thanked all the speakers and attendees for the fruitful discussions at the meeting and IJC for the logistical support.